Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader
When we are ready we get to take a STAR test which tells us which books we can choose from the library. After we have read it, we can take a quiz on it where we have to try and score over 80% to show we understood the book. 
We know that many children like to read their favourite books from home and lots of these books are already on Accelerated Reader. It is so important for children to develop a love of reading, therefore if a book from home is within their ZPD level, then of course your child can read this as their school book. You can look up a book to see what level it is (and how many words the book has) at this website: www.arbookfind.co.uk 
Home Connect
You can log into Accelerated Reader from home using the link below.  This is called 'Renaissance Home Connect'.  You can view your child's quiz results and progress by using their username and log-in details from their reading record.   You can also sign up to receive an email each time your child completes a quiz.