Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Book Week 2023

The focus for the week was mythical creatures and in all year groups the children enjoyed sharing books which transported them to imaginary worlds.  
In Elm, Beech and Chestnut Class the children enjoyed the text 'There's no dragon in this story' by Lou Carter and Deborah Allwright.  The children brought the text to life through drama, role play and art activities.  They also enjoyed creating some really imaginative character descriptions and alternative endings for the story. 
In Hazel and Ash Class the Snow Dragon by Vivian French was the text which inspired some brilliant fabric painting, descriptive language and mini stories. 
Lime and Cedar Class used the text Skellig by David Almond to transport themselves into an imaginary world of unusual creatures.  They investigated Skellig, re-created the front cover of the book and designed the island where Skellig came from.  
Finally the children had the opportunity to create masks for mythical creatures. They showed these off in a catwalk style show on World Book Day.  It was a great week full of books and everyone was inspired by the texts they read.