Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Bartons Got Talent

Bartons Got Talent
 Every year, at the end of the Autumn term, we hold our own talent contest, 'Bartons Got Talent'. Children from Years 3 - 6 audition to a panel of teachers a range of their talents or acts. Finalists are voted for by their class and then perform in the final to the whole school in the last week of the Christmas term. 
Performances previously have included dancing, singing, ventriloquism, magic tricks, comedy sketches, jokes, karate, taekwondo, art, gymnastics and many more. The acts are judged by the panel that includes the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and creative arts teacher. 
BGT is a highlight of the school year and it is hotly contested. The rest of the school also love to watch and are proud of all of the contestants. 
The first ever winners of Bartons Got Talent 2018. Nene and Kiki dancing their Afrobeat dance.