Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Read Write Inc. Phonics

         Phonics at Bartons 
At Bartons we use the Read Write Inc. scheme to teach phonics across the school. 
Children in the Reception Class begin by learning to say the sounds of the letters and to recognise them. They also learn how to form the letters in their writing and use them to spell words using a phonic approach. 
All children from Y1-Y3 will be taught phonics in a group matched to assessment of their phonic knowledge and ability to use this knowledge in reading. This will be supported in class as children use phonics in Reading and Writing lessons as well as across the curriculum when they are researching topics, science and exploring the world around them. 
Each child will bring home reading books linked to their learning in phonics each week. We ask parents and carers to support their child's reading at home, to encourage them in sounding out words and enjoying the books together. 
The following video explains how we blend the sounds for reading. 
We also teach 'red words' within the scheme. These are words which cannot be decoded using the phonic system. Children learn to recognise these as whole words and they are highlighted in red within the reading books while children are learning them.