Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!


Writing at Bartons
Vocabulary Ninja
During the summer term of 2021 we introduced Vocabulary Ninja. The aim is to provide the children with a vocabulary rich classroom. 
Each day the children in every class with learn a new high level word. We spend time unpicking the meaning of the word and practise using it. 
We display these words on our Vocabulary Ninja displays in our classrooms. See below for an example.
At Bartons we follow the National Curriculum for writing, adapting it to suit our children.
On this page you will find out about our approach to writing, alongside information about spelling and handwriting.
At Bartons we believe children should consider themselves authors as well as readers. 
We are now in our second year of our new writing approach. This approach includes three main elements; immersive activities, teaching activities and composition sessions. 
Within the immersive activities we encourage the children to really understand the text type, characters, plot, setting and so much more.
We then move on to the teach stage. During this stage we teach GPS and writing skills which may include class shared writing.
The children will then have the opportunity to apply these skills during compose lessons. Where they will have the opportunity to plan, draft, edit and improve their work.
Each term the children will also complete a free write that will provide the opportunity to create a piece of text that they are inspired to write - choosing a genre and text type. Once complete each child will have a consultation with their class teacher, where targets will be discussed as well as praise for aspects of their writing. 
Children have commented that they enjoy the opportunity to write their own choice of text including skills taught during the 'teach' phase of the writing journey!
We are sure the children's writing will continue to improve and develop during the year. 
Grammar and Punctuation
Grammar terms are taught through writing and reading, with the children using the correct vocabulary. We understand that many of these terms are new to many parents so these glossaries may help.
Useful Websites
Here are some useful links to support your child.
We are promoting high expectations of the children's handwriting through using our handwriting continuum. Children will begin to use pen in Year 4 and by Year 5 and 6 will all be writing in pen regularly. 
English Meeting for parents
Comments from parents:
"Great meeting, it really helps to understand more about the way children are learning English at school."
"The glossary is very useful to understand all the different grammar terms."
"I really am concerned about my child coming home and I can't help them so more parent tuition would be great."
"Very informative - look forward to more!"