Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Hazel Class

Welcome to Hazel Class 
We hope you have had a lovely summer break and are looking forward to all the exciting and interesting topics we have planned for this year. 
In Year 3 we start with our Stone Age to Iron Age topic in History and Light and Shadow investigations in Science. In English we explore portal stories and look at lots of examples before writing our own. 
We will continue to learn times tables and build on our Maths knowledge over the year. Please see the newsletter below for further information.
We are looking forward to a great year together!
Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Terry
Maths Investigation Day 2022
Hazel Class spent the day exploring times tables and the links to repeated addition. 
We played games and worked in teams and partners. Have a look some of our activities!
Our visit to Buster Ancient Farm
Last half term we visited Buster. We had a very interesting and busy day finding out about life from the Stone Age to the Iron Age . We even dug up some artefacts and had to find out what they were. 
Maths Week in Hazel Class
We spent the week investigating fractions. we looked at shapes, bar modelling, sharing and equivalent fractions. we even played games and did fraction puzzles to help with our understanding. 
Science Day
In Hazel Class we spent the day investigating rocks and fossils. 
We gathered information about how fossils were formed, experimented on different rocks to work out their properties. 
It was interesting and fun! 
Science Week in Hazel Class 
We had a really enjoyable week exploring a number of Science concepts. 
Each group made their own volcano and used our experiment results to create their own eruptions! 
Later in the week we found out about magnets and how some materials and objects are attracted to magnets and some are not. We also created our own magnets!
Book Week in Hazel Class 
We read The Snow Dragon and created poems, masks and an amazing costume linked to cold and hot colours to represent the Snow and Fire dragons in the story. 
We have had fun mixing colours and using a wide vocabulary to describe what the dragons were like. 
The costume looked amazing as we paraded up and down the hall! 
Creative Arts Day 2023
Hazel Class found out about Aboriginal Art. We learned several different techniques; creating bark art, dot painting and dream pictures. 
During the day we each created our own examples of each. 
The dream story piece was based on the story The Rainbow Serpent. We put our pieces together as a collaborative piece which looks amazing! 
We then looked at different symbols used in aboriginal pieces and even saw a real example of a piece using these symbols, brought in by one of our governors. 
Welcome back to the summer term!
Below you will see the newsletter which tells you all about what we will be learning in Year 3 this term. 
Active Maths Day
In Hazel Class we used our knowledge of shape to sort shapes and talk about their properties. We learned more about angles and found parallel and perpendicular lines in so many places!
We then drew maps and labelled where we had seen the different shapes, angles and lines. 
Outdoor Learning Day in Hazel Class
We did lots of activities to develop our Working With Others skills. We had to make decisions and work as a team. We collaborated as we gathered the correct pieces for our patterns and obstacle courses. 
STEM Week in Hazel Class
We had such an interesting week developing our skills in all areas; Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. 
We explored how water moves through different channels, melting ice and building systems to transport water from one place to another. Each team managed to water the plants in their raised bed. 
Our Sea Art Project
We had a special visitor to Hazel Class to work on an Art project about the sea. 
Ms Penfold from Felpham Community College came to work with us for the afternoon. We printed the sea then we sketched and painted sea creatures. 
The finished piece looks great in our classroom! Have a look at these pictures of our process and results.