Bartons are holding two Open Afternoons for prospective parents to visit for Reception places in September 2025. These are Thursday 10th October and Tuesday 12th November both at 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Please make an appointment with the school office if you'd like to come.

Chestnut Class

Welcome to Chestnut Class
We are really looking forward to an exciting year of learning. Please keep checking our class page for more information. 
Autumn 1
Our topic this half-term is 'Field to Fork'. In Geography, we will be focusing on food and where it comes from and in Science we will be thinking about what plants need to survive. Our main text in English is 'Avocado Asks' by Momoko Abe. 
Olympic Maths Investigation Day
We took part in different activities to collect data. We did 'Cotton Bud Archery', 'Pom Pom Shot Put' and timed ourselves in some sprint races. We had to record our scores for each event. Then we used the data to record a bar chart.
We loved our Maths parade and enjoyed seeing everyone's outfits.