Bartons are holding two Open Afternoons for prospective parents to visit for Reception places in September 2025. These are Thursday 10th October and Tuesday 12th November both at 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Please make an appointment with the school office if you'd like to come.

Mobile Phones in School

Mobile Phones in School
Primary aged children do not have the need to bring a mobile phone into school and therefore are not permitted to do so. The only exception would be in the case of a child, who may walk to school and therefore need it to and from school to contact a parent. This would only apply to children in Years 5 and 6 and all mobile phones must be handed into the school office first thing in the morning and collected at the end of the day. The phones must be named and the school does not take any responsibility for damage or loss. If a child is bringing a mobile phone to school then the school must have written consent from the parent/s.