Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Our School

Bartons Primary School is situated in North Bersted, which is part of the coastal town of Bognor Regis, West Sussex.
In September 2014, Bartons Infant School became Bartons Primary School and relocated to a brand new site in Lethaby Road, North Bersted in late October 2014. The school broadly serves the new Bersted Park development and area surrounding this. It  has Year R children up to Year 6 children. 
At present we have 7 classes Year R - Year 6 and 9 classrooms.  We also have a group meeting room, a new well stocked library, a very spacious hall, cooking area, break out areas for group work and outside we have a large playground and field with seating areas and an environmental area with a pond, garden and outside classroom. There is a large Early Years area with a covered sandpit, playhouse, mud kitchen, bike track, etc. The gardening club also grow vegetables and simple plants.
We promote walking to school and have facilities for the safe storage of bicycles and scooters for those who ride to school.  
Every morning from 8.15am, we run the Early Morning Club where the children can come along to play with a variety of toys/resources and take part in different activities in the hall. Parents are required to book onto sessions via ParentPay and there is a small fee payable online  of £1 which goes towards staffing, light refreshments and maintaining resources. 
Children are in school for 32.5 hours per week. The normal school session times are:
8.35 am: The school gates are opened.
8.40 am: The class doors are opened and the children welcomed into class. 
8.45 am: Lessons start. Children must be in class by this time.
9.30 am: School assembly.
10.45 am: Whole school play time.
12 - 1 pm: Lunch time.
3.15 pm: School finishes. 
After school clubs operate after school throughout the school year. These change termly and are a mixture of paid and free clubs. Parents are notified at the beginning of each term, via ParentPay, which clubs are being offered that term. Parents can then request a place. After school clubs are very popular and often are over subscribed. At Bartons, we try very hard to accommodate all of the children wanting to do particular clubs. 
The school gates are opened at 8.35 am and the children can enter the classrooms at 8.40 am when the class teachers open their classroom doors and welcome the children to school. The children must be in school by 8.45 am ready for lessons. Shortly after that time, the children will be marked late. After 9 am and without a message to explain why the child/ren are not in school, the child/ren will be marked in the register as having an unauthorised absence. At Bartons, we encourage good attendance and punctuality so that the children maximise their learning potential and learn good discipline and skills for life. 
The school day ends at 3.15 pm and we do expect children to be picked up from school on time.