Team Bartons School Council
Our elected School Council are a really vital part of Team Bartons. There are 12 elected representatives from Years 1 - 6. In September we hold class elections to choose our new representatives for this year. These children have the important job of representing the children in their school.
In the past, the school council have been involved in important decisions for their school such as choosing the playground markings and the new pirate ship climbing frame. They also help to plan fundraising events as well as promoting recycling projects. Each year the School Council get involved in a special project. In the last few years they have created a time capsule which has been buried on the Bersted Park Estate, improved the library by choosing books at Worthing Library and helped plant a tree in memory of Queen Elizabeth II.
They have some great ideas and are keen to make Team Bartons 'the best'!
Congratulations to our newly elected School Council members. The new council will meet regularly with Mrs A Powell to discuss school events and issues.
The School Council for 2024-25 are:
Beech Class: Ralph and Jessica
Chestnut Class: Aiden and Holly
Hazel Class: Freddie and Evelyn
Ash Class: Elwood and Maddie
Lime Class: Harrison and Chloe
Cedar Class: Kai and Annalisa
The Christmas Tree Festival at Holy Cross Church –
December 2024
Reverend Jo invited us to decorate a Christmas tree for the festival in the church. Everyone made decorations in their class, these represented what we get up to at Bartons Primary School. We went to decorate the tree.
Schools Library Service Bus – December 2024
This term the library bus came to school. The school Councillors from each class took a selection of books to exchange from the packed shelves. These books are now in the library for everyone to share.
Children in Need - November 2024
As usual the School Council organised events for Children in Need. This year we held a Sponsored Walk. Everyone had a great time and the grand total we raised was £1,437.20 Well done everyone – thank you for your support. Elsa, Louie and Chloe raised the most money and earned themselves a Pudsey Bear each.
Tree Planting – November 2024
To mark National Tree Week, The Woodland Trust kindly donated us 50 hazel trees. Mr Cook prepared the soil alongside the playground and we enjoyed planting the new hedge. We look forward to seeing how it grows.
UK Parliament Week – November 2024
We enjoyed learning about what happens in the UK Parliament and we started to plan for our visit from MP Jess Fuller-Brown who will visit our school in January. We enjoyed completing a puzzle of the House of Parliament too.
Bartons Prime Minister - July 2024
To mark the General Election we held our own election at school. The children in Year 5 and 6 were able to stand to be elected as Prime Minister by giving a speech to the school outlining the reasons why they would be a good leader and what their priorities would be. Everyone voted and we enjoyed counting up the vote. Archie H was elected and he enjoyed spending the day running the school (with Mrs Powell of course!)
New Library Books - June 2024
The 'Friends of Bartons' have been raising money to buy new books for the school library. School Council worked on making a list of all of the books the children in school would like to borrow from the library. They used the '100 books' lists for different ages and worked with their classes to add other ideas. They also chose books from the long and short lists from a range of 2024 Book Awards. The order has now been placed and we look forward to seeing all of their choices in the library in September.
Outdoor Reading Spaces March-June 2024
This term we have been researching options for creating outdoor reading spaces to use in lessons as well as during our break-times. We thought about where we could sit, shelter and how to store the books so they can be accessible. We put together our ideas with some costs and presented them to Mrs Powell. She enjoyed hearing our presentation and really liked our ideas. She allowed us to buy tents, blankets and book boxes which we enjoyed using during the summer.
Comic Relief March 2024 - Tell us a joke competition
Lots of children chose to enter the joke competition. Congratulations to our comedians who told the funniest jokes. Here are the winners from each class:
Elm Class: Lukas
Beech Class: Arlo
Chestnut: Leyton
Hazel: Ellia
Ash: Reggie
Lime: Kai
Cedar: Archie H
World Book Day - March 2024
We all enjoyed coming to school in our pyjamas - it was a comfy day! We shared our favourite books from home with our friends in our own and other classes. Mrs A Powell took this photo and we appeared in the Bognor Regis Observer.
Books 2 Africa - October 2023
We have sorted all of the old reading scheme books that we no longer use. We packaged them up to send to Africa so other children can use them to learn to read.
The Queen's Commemorative Tree - October 2022
In memory of Queen Elizabeth II we have planted a magnolia tree in the ‘Bartons Beach Outside Oasis.’ The magnolia is a variety called Elizabeth. The Queen requested that the flowers laid in honour of her life should be collected and composted. We collected the flowers left at Holy Cross Church and they will feed the new tree. Our local councillor Keir Greenway came along for the official planting ceremony. He presented us with a Bee Hotel. We can’t wait to see our tree flower in the spring.
The Berkeley Homes Time Capsule Project - December 2021
Team Bartons were invited to work with Berkeley Homes to commemorate the completion of the Bersted Park housing estate where our school is located. The Time Capsule contents include information and items which represent life in 2021. It has been buried on the estate in the Italian Gardens near to the sundial. We attended the ceremony to place it in the ground. Some of us even got to use the shovel and throw the dirt in on top of the capsule. Berkeley Homes created a press release and we were mentioned in the Bognor Observer newspaper. The Time Capsule will be buried for 25 years – we wonder if any members of Team Bartons will be there when it is dug up?